Decluttering Tips from Professional Organizers

Decluttering Tips from Professional Organizers

Looking to make the most of your time while you’re practicing social distancing? If you’re on the search for productive projects during these unusual times, decluttering your home is a great place to start. Clearing the clutter can make any home feel more spacious and inviting, but it can be difficult to start the process. Here, we share tips from professional organizers to help you declutter with confidence.

How to Get Started

Julia Pinsky, founder of Pinsky Project, specializes in streamlining homes and workspaces. According to Pinsky, the best thing you can do is jump right into decluttering. Avoiding taking on this task encourages more unnecessary items to build up, which just prolongs the stress and makes the project more challenging.

Once you commit to decluttering, make categories (room by room is a popular method) and tackle one area at a time. Regardless of where you start, be sure to look at every item and honestly evaluate which belongings are the most important to you. Marie Kondo also champions this approach and encourages her clients to only hang onto the items that spark joy.

Set Up a Landing Station

Even after you’ve pared down to just the essentials, clutter may accumulate on surfaces if you don’t have a place for miscellaneous items. According to professional organizer Shira Gill, a landing station is a great way to avoid overwhelming your space with clutter. She recommends a ceramic dish on a table in the entryway to act as a catch-all for items such as loose change, cell phones, and keys. To keep mail organized, Gill advocates installing a wall organizer just inside the door to keep mail from ending up on the dining table or kitchen island.

Create Closet Space

Closets are often overrun with an abundance of clothes and shoes that aren’t worn regularly. If you’d like to create extra storage space, clearing out the closet is the most efficient way to go. When you’re able to let go of the clothing you aren’t using, you can focus on curating a limited wardrobe that’s easy (and fun) to mix and match. Once your closet has room to spare, you can use newly-cleared shelving to store items from other areas, such as the bathroom, out of sight.

Make Your Bed Each Morning

If you’re hoping to make your bedroom look spacious and tidy, Shira Gill asserts that simply making the bed each morning will help you achieve a polished look. The bed is often the focal point of the bedroom, and a neatly made bed will instantly transform the appearance of the room.

Living in a cluttered space often leads to feelings of stress and anxiety. Since many of us are spending more time at home for the time being, it’s an excellent opportunity to take control of your living space and create an environment that you love. If you’re on the search for a new home with all the amenities you need for a luxury lifestyle, contact our team at ARISTA. Our new development in Broomfield is designed to provide an unbeatable experience for our residents, and we’d love to have you call ARISTA home.